Our canoe trips were not always as leisurely as they are now. Back in the day we only stayed one night on a site. It was a great way to explore, see more sites and challenge yourself a bit. Our first trip to the Chiniguchi River was a short trip with some friends. We met . . . Read More about Chiniguchi River
Wine Works
Yes, Canadians have earned the reputation as a beer drinking nation, but wine works better for camping. Bottles and cans are actually banned from Provincial Parks (backcountry) so until they find a way to put beer in a Tetra Pak or they allow dehydrated alcohol in Canada, we will be packing wine on our trips. . . . Read More about Wine Works
Water Filters
On my first camping trip we drank the water out of the lake with our bailing buckets. I remember lying in the tent listening to my stomach growl. We were lucky no one got Beaver Fever – Giardia. Then we entered the days of lugging water jugs across portages. Water was like gold – it . . . Read More about Water Filters
Crab Lake
It all started when my sister-in-law turned 50. She and her husband had a lot of experience paddling down the Humber River and out into Lake Ontario, but had never gone on a back-country trip. Just picture my sister-in-law at the helm shouting “shopping cart, shopping cart” so my brother-in-law could do some fancy maneuvering . . . Read More about Crab Lake