Warning – these snacks pack a punch and it’s impossible to eat just one.
The first time I served Grand Marnier Balls we were sitting on a rock high above Spider Lake in Massasauga Provincial Park, watching the full moon rise above the treeline. I knew then that they would become a staple on our canoe trips. People were raving about them.

These really are a perfect adult after dinner snack! Great for camping because they are easy to pack and theoretically they will last a few weeks in your food barrel – not that we have put this to the test. If you are travelling with kids, keep these well hidden and bring them out to enjoy by the fire when the kids are all tucked into the tent for the night.
This recipe is a bit of a twist on the classic Rum Ball.
Make these at Home:
2 cups graham cracker crumbs (so much easier to buy the crumbs than the wafers)
1/3 cup Grand Marnier (an orange flavoured cognac liqueur)
2 tbsp cocoa powder
2 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp grated orange peel
1 cup powdered sugar
1/4 cup melted butter

Put everything into a bowl and mix it well. Use your fingers if you must. Place waxed paper on the counter. Scoop one tablespoon of the mixture into your hand and roll it into a ball. Place the balls on the waxed paper.
Note: You can mix 2 tbsp. of powdered sugar and 2 tbsp. of cocoa powder in a small bowl and roll each of the balls in the mixture. It is a bit messy but it does help preserve them for the trip.
Make these at home, then pack them in a Ziplock with some waxed paper. If you prefer, you could *gently vacuum seal the package. (*If you vacuum them too much, it tends to draw the liquid out of the balls and dries them out).
Original Recipe from “Simple Foods for the Pack” by Claudia Axcell, Vikki Kinmont Kath and Diana Cooke.