There are endless uses for dehydrated fruit on a camping trip. Although Sangria is the best – a close runner up is rehydrated fruit on pancakes.
We usually make pancakes at least once a trip as a treat. We buy the “just add water” mix from the grocery store and measure it into a Ziploc at home. One of us adds water to the pancake mix following strict measurements, the other person likes to “eye-it-up”. However, the measurements are always written on the Ziploc.
We pack maple syrup – we buy the super dark syrup from the Weber family in St. Jacobs. We put the syrup in a small Nalgene bottle and then put it in a Ziploc for added protection. I tried dehydrating maple syrup and got little yummy sugar crystals, however, it is worth packing in maple syrup in liquid form.
In camp we put a mix of fruit in a bowl and add some hot water – we boil a bit of extra water when we are making coffee.
When the pancakes are ready, we add the rehydrated fruit and then top everything with a generous helping of maple syrup. As an alternative, you can heat the maple syrup too, stir in the rehydrated fruit and then add it to your pancakes.
We will often add a few strips of bacon on the side. It is great now that you can buy bacon that doesn’t need refrigeration. We have decided not to ask how they do that.
If we are camping with a cooler, we always take yogurt to put on top of our pancakes.